Wednesday 6th January

6th January 2021 0 By Mr Simmons

Daily News

Thank you to everyone who engaged in their home learning yesterday – I understand that some families are sorting out technical issues at the moment. Please remember that:

a) I am here to help during the day – leave me a message in the comments below or on Class Dojo if you are struggling and I can help you as best I can.

b) I need to see daily evidence of your learning – so at least one photo or submission on your ClassDojo portfolio every day is needed.

c) These daily blog entries will stay up on line, so if you don’t manage to finish everything during a day, you can always go back later and catch up. When you submit your work, please make sure that it is clear which day’s lessons you are sending in.

Mr Simmons’ Joke of the Day

Knock Knock!

Who’s there?

Doorbell repair man


Firstly, an apology. In yesterday’s session some of the worksheet questions ideally needed to be printed. I have moved onto a new block of learning (all about decimals) now which should be easier to work through at home.

Watch this video and stop at the points you are asked to:

The accompanying questions can be downloaded here:

[As before, answers on a piece of paper with clear question numbers will be fine if you are unable to print these out]

I am also going to start putting the answers to the questions here so you can mark your own work. Please be honest and only look at these afterwards – when you send in your work, you can tell me any questions that you did not get right, but now know how to do them.


Today we look at how to gather evidence to write a newspaper report:


During the week I would like you to read for at least 30 minutes each day. You can get more ideas and suggestions of reading material from the Reading@Home section above.


This term our Geography is based around the country of Brazil.

I am in the process of adapting some of the lessons I had planned into a format which can work here online.

The first activity I would like you to do is complete a simple task on a piece of paper.

Firstly, list everything you already know about Brazil – do you know where it is in the world? Do you know any places in Brazil? Do you know anything about food that comes from Brazil, or its music? Anything.

Then, list down anything you would like to learn about Brazil during the topic.

After you have done this, please watch this video which recaps some geographical skills which you may have met lower down in the school.

Family Challenge

Work with your family to try and solve this problem. I will put a couple of these questions up every week.

Stay in Touch

Please stay in touch, letting us know how you are getting on with your learning.