Friday 12th February

12th February 2021 1 By Mr Simmons

Daily News

Yeah! Well done – we have all made it to the end of half term! Maybe today would be a good time to look back through your Dojo portfolio and remind yourself about all the great work you have done this term.

I hope you all manage to have a good rest next week – remember that we are still in lockdown, so it is really important that everyone stays home in order to ensure that case numbers in Cornwall continue to go down – this will increase the chance that we will be able to get back to school and things may start to return to normal after the first two weeks of next half term.

I am looking forward to seeing you again this morning for our Teams meeting. Make sure you have a paper and something to write with – I have a couple of new games to try out this morning!

Mr Simmons’ Joke of the Day


I thought we’d play a game today. All you need will be a bit of paper, something to write with and 2 dice – if you can’t find any (after raiding your board games) you can always roll dice online here.

Draw a 10 x 10 grid (or use the sheet below). Roll the dice. Colour in the array you have rolled. So, if you rolled 2 and 3, colour in a rectangle that was 2 across and 3 down, or 3 across and 2 down. This rectangle can go anywhere on the grid.

If you are playing this on your own, roll again. If you are playing against an opponent, they would now roll. If playing with someone else you can either do this on the same grid or have a grid each.

The aim is to try and fill up as much of the grid as you can before you cannot go any more. Or if you are playing against someone else, to be the last person able to complete the grid.

What is the closest you can get to colouring in 100% of the grid?

If you need some grids, you can find them here:

Independent Learning

I really hope you have enjoyed this week’s independent learning tasks and have discovered lots about biodiversity and The Vikings. Please remember to send me your projects you have been working on.

I think I said it earlier in the week, but if you are struggling to send things through Dojo, you can email me at (but let me know on Dojo you have sent something there!)

It would be good to get everything done and dusted today, but if you are desperate to finish something off, you can do this over half term and then send it in, although I would prefer you have a good break yourself next week!


I would like you to read for at least 30 minutes each day. You can get more ideas and suggestions of reading material from the Reading@Home section above.

Art Re-creation Challenge

Recreate a piece of art with things you may have at home. It may, or may not, include you or other members of your family.

You could be in the image
Or recreate with items around your house.

There are some good examples online, but you may not want to do too much searching so you come up with something original!

You will be scored on creativity and how closely your picture resembles the piece of art.

You can work on this during this afternoon, or over the half term. Entries should be sent to Class Dojo – the deadline for submissions is midday on Sunday 21st February. We will have a class vote for the ultimate winner in the first week after half term.

If you send in an entry, but would prefer I do not put the photograph on this blog (which can be seen by anyone in the world) please let me know.

Good luck – I hope you have fun doing this task – I have had a go myself during the first lockdown and enjoyed the challenge!

Stay in Touch

Please stay in touch, letting us know how you are getting on with your learning.