Friday 26th February

26th February 2021 0 By Mr Simmons

Daily News

So, we have made it to the end of the first week back after half term. Only one more to go and then we will be back at school.

I look forward to seeing those of you who can make it in the Teams meetings later this morning.

Mr Simmons’ Joke of the Day


Today’s session starts with another 6 arithmetic based questions and we look at another example of using formulae to solve context-based problems.

Have a go at these three questions and submit your answers to ClassDojo:

Warning: 3e) is particularly tricky – it is possible to answer, but I would only attempt this if you are feeling particularly confident with this work!


We catch back up with Drew today before having a look at a new piece of grammar, exploring active and passive sentences.

Have a go at changing these sentences from active into passive

  1. The hamster bit the girl’s finger.
  2. The teachers had to split the evacuees up
  3. The police officers marched the children down the road
  4. Luckily, the child scored a goal.

Then try and change these sentences from passive into active.

5. The leaf was eaten by the caterpillar.
6. The grass was cut by the old gardener.
7. Eventually, the book was finished by the young child.
8. The ice cream was devoured by the ravenous grandmother.


I would like you to read for at least 30 minutes each day. You can get more ideas and suggestions of reading material from the Reading@Home section above.

Catch Up Friday

The deadline for submission of entries to the Masters of Infinity challenge is today. If you didn’t finish off your comic strip on Monday, spend some time this afternoon on that so you can send it in before the end of the day.

You may like to continue to work on your photo challenge from Wednesday or go back and try some more examples of any of the art techniques we have been looking at.

Maybe there is a Scratch project from Tuesday you would like to develop.

Alternatively, you may like to spend some time following up on some previous learning you have done either this week or from any of the previous weeks – all the lessons are still online for you to refer back to.

Today is the last chance to watch any of the Viking videos – some more were added after their Viking Thing week – one on how to make a pot, or to make a poo! The link for the sessions is here.

Family Challenge

Stay in Touch

Please stay in touch, letting us know how you are getting on with your learning.