Tuesday 26th January

26th January 2021 0 By Mr Simmons

Daily News

Good morning. Before we start on the learning for today, I wanted to share a great example of work from yesterday. I have to say that the poem writing task was quite a tricky one, making sure that the same poetic structure as the original was maintained. However, Lleyton wrote this, which sounds as it it could have been written by the Alfred Noyes, the original poet:

Superb work – well done Lleyton!

At 1:30 this afternoon, you are invited to attend a live half hour lesson. Dr Chip and Ms Lieghio will be introducing various unplugged activities to develop computational thinking skills, including Dance Moves! The activities are suitable for all primary pupils and require nothing more than pen and paper to complete. Join live or watch again afterwards with this link at a time to suit you:

Mr Simmons’ Joke of the Day


In today’s session we tie up all the learning strands from the last few weeks and make that final link between fractions, decimals and percentages.

Watch this video:

Now try these questions:

And submit your answers to your Dojo Portfolio.


We are ready to move onto the first 3 verses of Part 2 of The Highwayman poem today. In this video I will explain some of the language and make sure you understand what is happening in the story:

For your activity today, I would like you to come up with a series of questions you would ask if you were a newspaper reporter who visited the Inn a few days later.

You will need to think of 3 or 4 suitable questions (try to ask open ended – not just yes/no questions) to ask each of these people:

  • Customers of the Inn
  • The Landlord
  • One of the Soldiers

Then I would like you to imagine how these people would have answered those questions, putting in detail and something about their emotions at the time.

Please share what you have done on Dojo.


I would like you to read for at least 30 minutes each day. You can get more ideas and suggestions of reading material from the Reading@Home section above.


Continuing the science topic we started last week, today’s session gives you an opportunity to find out about a famous scientist who revolutionised the way scientists talk about plants and animals. You will then have an opportunity to get outside and carry out your own habitat survey.

I would like you to be as creative and artistic as you can when you present the findings of your habitat survey. You can use a computer or do it by hand – the choice is yours!

[As I post this on Tuesday morning, the rain is lashing against my window. If the weather is not going to be good enough to get outside today, you may like to use this time to go back and catch up on any activities that you didn’t finish from previous lessons.]

Family Challenge

Have a go at this challenge. Some of you are having competitions at home to see who solves it first – the child or the adult. Let me know how you are getting on!

Stay in Touch

Please stay in touch, letting us know how you are getting on with your learning.